Don’t Expect Others To Make You Happy

Are there people in your life who make you feel happy just by being around them?

For me, the answer is a big YES!  I’m very fortunate to have a wonderful wife and family and when I’m with any of them I feel incredibly happy.  Being around friends also makes me happy.

But here’s the paradox:  you can’t expect other people to make you happy even though you may feel happy when you’re with those people.

Find It Inside

Happiness is something that comes from within.

When we start to expect happiness from other people that’s when we get into trouble.  The people in our lives who we feel happy being with, don’t walk into the room with a basketful of happiness.  The happiness we feel when we’re with those people starts with us.

Sadly, many people go through life expecting they’ll find happiness only if they find a certain person to be with.  Or they may expect the government to support them and make them happy.

These people will never be happy, because they’re looking outside themselves to find happiness.

Happiness Is Our Responsibility

We are all responsible for creating and building our own happiness power.  It has to come from within.  And believe it or not, it’s really as simple as flipping a switch.  Just decide to be happy.  Be happy in spite of problems you may be having.

I’m not saying you ignore the problems and act like they’re not there.  Instead, decide to be happy and work to solve whatever challenges you have.  By being happy in the face of difficulty you’ll actually find it much easier to find solutions.

Related:  The Importance Of A Good Attitude

Expect happiness, but expect if from within yourself and not from others.

To your happiness!

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