A quote I heard today, unknown author: “As a parent, you can only give your children two things…roots and wings. The roots to be a good person and the wings to fly.” At some point as a parent, we start to realize time with our children in the home with us is growing short. That […]
Hugging Can Make You Happy
Researcher Paul Zak says that a minimum of eight hugs a day can help you feel better. According to Zak, the hugs increase the level of oxytocin in your body and that makes you feel good. He says oxytocin is the “moral molecule” and says it’s the “social glue that keeps society together.” Finding the […]
Ask For What You Want
According to the Law of Attraction, one of the things that’s vital for getting what you want in life is to ask the Universe for what you want. However, today, I want to bring this concept down to a less universal level. We need to be able to ask those around us for what we […]
Don’t Wait
Don’t wait . . . . . . to say I love you . . . to say I’m sorry . . . to write that novel . . . to take that trip . . . to get your college degree . . . to be happy There are so many times through life […]
Speaking of Love
Back in 1980 or 1981 I had the tremendous good fortune to hear a lecture by Dr. Leo Buscaglia. I was living in Albuquerque at the time and he was there one night speaking about love and he usually did. A friend asked me to go to the lecture and to this day I’m glad […]
Your Happiness Power
Welcome to Your Happiness Power. This blog is growing out of my life-long interest in personal growth and development. My goal is to provide you with information and the tools you need to find happiness and then live a happy life. In the days ahead, you’ll find information here about topics such as personal growth […]