I’d Be Happy If Only . . .

How do you fill in that blank?

I’d be happy if only I had a new job.

I’d be happy if only I had someone to love.

I’d be happy if only I had someone who loved me.

I’d be happy if only I had a new baby.

I’d be happy if only I had a new house.

I’d be happy if only I had a million dollars.

If you think you can only be happy by filling in that blank with someone or something, you’re making a huge mistake.

That’s not to say that those things won’t add happiness to your life.  However, if you feel like you can’t be happy until you get whatever is in that blank, you’re unlikely to ever be happy. The reason is that as soon as you fill that blank, you’ll be looking for the next thing to make you happy.

Be Happy NOW!
Be Happy NOW!

Instead, you need to be happy with where you are now, not at some point in the future.  Be happy with the person you are in this moment.  You can certainly strive to improve yourself and your life, but if you’re convinced that you’ll only be happy at some point in the future, you’ll never get there.

To your happiness!

Related:  You're Rich
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