Want Happiness? Be A Swinger

That title above may be taken a number of ways, any of which may make some people happy.

The way I’m thinking of “swinger” today is in the way we remember it from when we were kids.  Climbing into the seat of a swing, pushing your legs out in front of you as you lean back to get the swing moving.  Then tucking your legs under the seat as you move your body forward getting the swing going in the other direction.  Do that a few times and pretty soon the swing is moving back and forth with ease.

Do you remember that feeling of freedom as you rode the swing when you were a kid?  Maybe you imagined you were a pilot taking off in a jumbo jet.  Maybe you were an astronaut headed for the moon.  Maybe you were just kicking high enough that you thought you could jump over the trees or the school.

You Need To Swing Regularly

When is the last time you were on a swing?  If it’s any longer than a year, that’s too long.  I’m being serious here.  Riding a swing is one of the most fun things you can do whether you’re a kid or an adult.  It’s something that even when you’re grown up you should do at least once a year.

Now, you may feel funny the first time you get on a swing as an adult, but don’t let that stop you.  Other grown-ups may look at you funny, but you know what they’re thinking?  They’re thinking, “Boy I sure wish I felt free enough to get on a swing; I used to love doing that when I was a kid.”

Related:  Be Happiness

If you really feel self-conscious about getting on a swing, take one of your kids with you or a grandchild, niece or nephew.

You’ll find that after a minute or two, you’ll be having so much fun you won’t care what anyone else thinks.  In fact, my guess is that you’ll be swinging away thinking, “Look at those people over there, they don’t know what fun is.”

By the time you get off the swing, your happiness power will be at maximum strength and you’ll have a smile from ear-to-ear.

To your happiness!

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