Tag: Happiness

Find Other Happy People

A 20-year study published in the British Medical Journal shows that being connected to other happy people can increase your happiness: Conclusions: People’s happiness depends on the happiness of others with whom they are connected. This provides further justification for seeing happiness, like health, as a collective phenomenon. Dynamic spread of happiness in a large […]

Plenty of Happiness

Happiness and pleasure mean different things to different people. In the UK’s Daily Mail, Paul Martin, author of Sex, Drugs And Chocolate: The Science Of Pleasure, says we should enjoy ourselves because it’s what we were meant to do. Martin writes: “Put at its simplest, pleasure is the biological currency which evolved to guide our […]

Be Happy With You

Have you ever known people who always compare themselves to someone else?  They judge their worth based on the success of other people. “That person has more money than I do.” “She drives a nicer car.” “He lives in a better house than me.” “Why can’t we have what they have?” People who think like […]

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