I think one of the quickest ways to happiness is to be grateful. Think about that. All you need to do to increase your level of happiness is to be thankful at this very moment. Being grateful for everything in your life will bring you an immense sense of happiness. Why is that? It’s really […]
Happy Memories
First, for the record, let me say that I’m not a Yankees fan. That may upset you, but I can easily explain it: I’m a Red Sox fan. I believe that, by definition, being a Red Sox fan precludes you from being a Yankees fan (and vice versa). That being said, I am a baseball […]
Trying Not To Worry
Yesterday was one of those days when my happiness power was tested. I spent part of the day worrying about a situation that could affect my family’s financial future in a negative way. Notice I said could and not will. That’s where the worries come from — that little word could. It’s the uncertainty that […]
Drugs Are Bad For Your Happiness
Using drugs for a high is never a good idea. Now there’s research to show that drugs can actually dull the response to things that would normally make you happy. The high of happiness eludes drug users Instead of using drugs to create an artificial high, it is much better for people to find happiness […]
Morning Pages
In her book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron describes an activity she call’s “Morning Pages” as a way to help recover your creativity. She describes morning pages on her website Julia Cameron Live: Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. *There is no wrong way […]
Three Things To Do Every Day
To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number One is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number Two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And Number Three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be […]
How’s It Going?
When you run into someone and they ask that question, how do you answer it? Do you say something like, “Oh, I guess I’ll get by.” Or , “Eh, same old thing.” Maybe something like, “Well, I’ve been better.” Or even worse, are you like the guy I ran into today who gave me a […]
How About A Slice Of Happiness Pie?
I spotted this on The Presurfer and thought it might make you smile: Make Yourself A Happiness Pie To your happiness!
Be Content
Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. –Helen Keller
Don’t Wait
Don’t wait . . . . . . to say I love you . . . to say I’m sorry . . . to write that novel . . . to take that trip . . . to get your college degree . . . to be happy There are so many times through life […]