Can’t Stick To A Goal?

I mentioned the other day that setting goals is better than making resolutions.  But sticking to a goal is difficult. Tony Robbins says you need to get leverage on yourself — you need to have a powerful reason to reach your goal.  Sometimes you can get that by telling someone else about your goal.  Other […]

On Creating Happiness

I was looking around for some articles on the web about happiness and found one written during the Great Depression.  It was written by Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi. Given our current economic problems there is some good advice in this article.  It’ll only take a couple of minutes for […]

Don’t Make Resolutions

Wow!  Where has 2008 gone?  It’s hard for me to believe that we’re in the last few days of the year. This is the time of year when everyone starts talking about making New Year’s resolutions.  I’m going to suggest that you don’t make any resolutions this year. Really, how many times have you kept […]

Stop Worrying

I’m saying this to myself as much as I am to you. I’m a chronic worrier. I got that trait from my mother, may she rest in peace. I used to say that if she didn’t have something to worry about she would worry that she didn’t have any worries. On an intellectual level I […]

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